

Garner NC: 919 - 747 - 9733

Laser Hair Removal - Scalp

At the MarSha MedSpa, we offer the best solution for people who are tired of continuously shaving their head. Men are increasingly embracing their baldness and choose to shave their heads for a clean, masculine appearance.

At MarSha MedSpa, we use the latest medical grade laser which offers a safe and effective treatment. Laser hair removal on the scalp may require fewer treatments than the rest of the body as it has a lot more density and is more often at the active stage of hair growth which makes it more susceptible to the laser.

The Clarity 2 by Lutronic uses two wavelengths, one for dark skin – Nd:Yag 1064nm and the other for light skin – Alexandrite 755nm. This means we can treat all skin types safely as long as the hair is dark. The laser targets the hair without harming the surrounding tissue and without risks of pigment changes.

Clarity 2 has the inbuilt cryogen cooling system which cools down the skin as the treatments are being done, offering a more easier and manageable treatment.

Most men who have had a few treatments report the benefit of having to spend less time shaving their head as the hair reduces so quickly and also the frequency they have to shave every week is a lot less as the hair growth has slowed down so much. They also report the clean fresh look they achieve after shaving with no stubble or “head shadow”.

Even though it is expected to work well on the scalp as the hair is usually at the active stage of hair growth, we do recommend a series of 6 treatments. There are challenging areas on the crown and the occipital part of the head that are more resistant to treatments. To ensure all resistant hair is treated, more treatments are needed.

At MarSha MedSpa, all our practitioners are trained, qualified and experienced to advise you on the appropriate treatment methodology and expected results for you.

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