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Back Chemical Peel
This cosmetic technique, known as a back chemical peel, utilizes a gentle chemical solution applied to the skin’s surface to target issues like acne, scarring, or hyperpigmentation. By addressing these concerns, it effectively diminishes the appearance of back acne (often referred to as “bacne”) caused by pore blockages from sweat, dirt, and sebum accumulation. Moreover, it helps reduce acne scars and enhances skin radiance. Furthermore, this treatment stimulates collagen production, leading to a revitalized and more youthful-looking skin texture.

How Does a Back Chemical Peel Work?

A back chemical peel creates deliberate skin damage on the back to prompt the shedding of the top layer and stimulate the growth of new skin. This method of skin renewal involves applying chemical exfoliants to the treated area, leading to the gradual removal of damaged skin and the subsequent emergence of healthier, rejuvenated skin.

What to expect during a Chemical peel treatment?

The dermatologist conducts a pre-treatment consultation to understand the patient's expectations and assess their skin condition, medical history, and symptoms to determine the most suitable chemical peel for acne scars.
The treatment, lasting 30 to 90 minutes, includes the following steps:
- Washing the skin
- Applying the solution
- Leaving the solution
- Removing the chemical

What are the benefits of a Chemical Peel?

- Reduced acne breakouts
- Even skin tone
- Smooth skin texture
- Gentle exfoliation
- Skin cell turnover
- Cleared pores
- Stimulated collagen production
- Enhanced skin radiance
- Diminished scarring
- Dark spot removal

What to expect right after a Chemical peel treatment?

The effectiveness of chemical peels varies based on factors such as the solution strength, type of skin issue, and symptom severity. Research suggests that TCA-based peels can improve acne appearance by up to 90%. Light-depth peels offer gradual improvement over multiple sessions, while medium-depth peels deliver more noticeable results but necessitate several treatments.

Who conducts Chemical Peels?
At MarSha MedSpa, chemical peel treatments are administered by professionals who are trained in application of peel and management of complications if any were to arise. Our signature chemical peels help to reverse the visible effects of damage in two ways. First, they power away dull, dead cells to illuminate the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, clogged pores and blemishes. Then, they support collagen for firmer-looking skin over time. Our esthetician will guide you on which chemical peel will best target your skin’s individual needs.
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